Friday, March 18, 2011

Rainy Month/Reset and Turn In

Well, the rain finally came down this month and when you combine all the dirt that we have around here with get alot of mud. As you can see from the pictures it was a mess, add in the cold weather and you just dont want to be outside. Luckily the weather has started to warm back up and the rains have died down. Warmer weather means we are closer and closer to getting back to Hawaii and the feeling is mutual between everyone, we are ready to go! I am now on the Turn In team, which isn't fun because all we do is wash equipment throughout the week and then turn it in on Friday. Although its not fun I enjoy it because every Friday we are turning in something and that leaves us with less and less equipment. I will be happy when its all gone. Since we are under 90 days and will some begin packing personal equipment, I don't need to receive any more care packages. I'd like to thank everyone that has sent something to me out here, it always brightens up my day and usually my buddies too.At the request of a friend of mine I'd like to post some here on my blog and ask for your prayers.   

"We are asking everyone to say a prayer for the US "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families. They are fighting it out here in  Afghanistan and have lost 9 Marines in 4 days" 

I'm praying for the day when this will over and no more lives will have to be lost.

Time is Afghanistan: 9 months, 6 days 
Time until Redeployment back to Hawaii: 77 Days