Happy Easter to everyone, we actually got Friday off it was the day off we'd had off in a while other than the weekends. However the week was still long, we pretty much were up at 5:30am and we had to be at the training site by 6:30am and we were usually off by 9:00pm LONG DAYS. Our team did certify which was good and when I say certify that means we have to set up all our equipment, get it up and running and make a phone call to the distant end along with pulling web pages on the laptops, and it all has to be within a time limit.
We now head out for our MRX (Mission Readiness Exercise)which will last Monday-Friday and we will be pulling 24 hrs operations. I'm really not looking forward to that at all but it is what it is gotta do it.
I was talking with my buddy Brooks, who's like brother to me and we were saying how crazy it is that we'll be back home in a month with our families, and then a month after that we'll be down range in Afghanistan, its kinda like when I was first coming in the Army, I knew I'd be leaving home but it didnt until I got on that bus to leave and then it hit me harder when I got off that bus and had drill sergeants yelling at me. I know thats how its gonna be with this deployment its not gonna hit me until we are getting on the plane and its gonna hit harder when we get off the plane and hear gunshots in the distance. I'm just trying to be mentally prepared. 64 Days To Go
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