Saturday, May 22, 2010

Block Leave

It felt great to get away from the Army for a while and just relax, with no worries at all. I was able to spend quality time with the ones I love the most, which was important to me because I don't really know when I'll see them again. I flew into Orlando which is where my cousin had his wedding the day before so alot of my family were there, some of them I hadn't seen since I joined the Army so it was really nice to see them.

I got a chance to attend two Magic games when they played the Atlanta Hawks the first two games in Atlanta, which probably the most I did, for the most part I just rested and relaxed the last 3 months were very tiring and the road ahead is long, so I just caught on some much needed rest. There was yellow ribbon ceremony for me at my church where people were able to come and chat with me a bit after the service, and sign prayer books. I'm thankful that I have a church family that is back home praying for me.

This first week back wasnt too bad, I was in class for a tactical radio all week so I was away from the main operations which is always a good break, but we did have a readiness meeting where they put on out tentative flight dates. We still don't know the exact day of our departure but... we know that we will leave between the 8th and 12th of June, we also know its gonna be non stop plane straight into Afghanistan. Our barracks rooms will be packed up on the 2nd and vehicles are gonna be stored 24-48 hours prior to our flight..whenever we get that exact date.

Its a fast moving train and I'll be getting on that plane before I even know it. Y'all just continue to keep me, my unit, and the whole United States Army. 

Here is an article about our Deployment.

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